5th Annual
Structures Graduate Students Conference (SGSC)
The University of Alberta Structures Graduate Students Conference seeks submissions from academia presenting novel research results in all practical and theoretical aspects of structural engineering. Accepted abstracts will grant presenters the opportunity to give an oral presentation at the conference.
Submitted abstracts should follow the template and requirements found under the “Abstract Template” and “More Information” tabs and should be related to structural engineering.
Submission and Notification Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 12th, 2019 at 11:59 pm
Notification of Acceptance: July 31st, 2019
Presentation Submission: September 5th, 2019 at 11:59 am
Guidelines for Oral Presentation and Poster Presenatation
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Presentations should be prepared in a commonly compatible format e.g. PowerPoint 2010 or 2013.
Presentations to be submitted by September 5th at 11:59 am, to sgsc.uofa@gmail.com.
A brief description of the presenter’s most relevant work should accompany the presentation document.
The presenter is responsible to ensure that all compatibility issues relating to videos or animations in the presentation are resolved before the start of their session.
Presenters are encouraged to arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before the presentations begin.
The total time allotted for each presentation is 15 minutes, consisting of 10 minutes for the presentation, 3 minutes for questions and 2 minutes for an introduction by the session chairs. The presenter would be signalled at 8 minutes and be allowed to finish the presentation within the next 2 minutes.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Posters must be 3 x 2 feet and can be printed in lanscape or portrait.
The poster should include a title and the presenter’s full name.
Presenters will be assigned a time slot and numbered space at the venue.
Display boards will be provided with pushpins for mounting the posters.
Presenters should remain by their posters the entire time of the assigned session to answer questions and get evaluated.
Tips for Oral Presentations
Only the most relevant / captivating aspects of the study should be discussed in the presentations.
Criteria for Judging Oral Presentations
The judges will evaluate oral presentations based on the following aspects:
Originality and Significance of the study.
Relevance of the study to the Structural Engineering community, either industry or research oriented.
Organization and delivery of the presentation.
Tips for Poster Presentations
Text Fonts should be legible.
The poster should include test results and graphics, and the use of colors to add emphasis.
The poster should be self-explanatory.
Criteria for Judging Poster Presentations
The judges will evaluate Poster presentations based on the following aspects:
Originality and Significance of the study.
Relevance of the study to the Structural Engineering community, either industry or research oriented.
Presentation Medium: Logical layout, Text Legibility and Image Clarity
Presenter: Organization and delivery of the presentation
Event Coordinators
Conference Chairs: Md Abdul Hamid Mirdad, Brittney Lopushinsky
Technical Committee: Abolfazl Ashrafi, Qipei Mei, Odin Guzman Sanchez, Mehsam Tanzim Khan
Marketing Coordinator: Eziolu Ilozumba, John Spencer, Harsh Vrajeshkumar Patel, Michael Manarin
Activities Coordinators and Treasurers: Sheldon Twizell