September 20, 2014
Presentation at the 2014 Engineering Expo at the University of Alberta.
Where: E1-007 ETLC
Dr. Cruz-Noguez’s talk is titled “The Next Generation of Earthquake-Resistant Buildings: Conquering One of Humanity’s Greatest Foes”.
Attend and learn about one of the hottest topics in Earthquake Engineering. Take a look at the research being conducted at the University of Alberta to mitigate seismic hazards in buildings and bridges.
Alberta-Tongji Sustainable Civil and Environmental Engineering Workshop
Where: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
When: August 5-6, 2014
Attend the workshop and learn about the potential collaboration topics in Civil Engineering between the University of Alberta and Tongji University. Learn about the latest research and technologies in Structural health monitoring, Disaster mitigation, Materials and material innovation, New opportunities in steel and Concrete Structures (Dr. Cruz-Noguez will give a talk about the new generation of damage resistant buildings and bridges), Geo-technical engineering, Transportation engineering, and Environmental Engineering.
All meetings of the workshop will be held in the Natural Resources Engineering (NRE) Facility, which hosts the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, on north campus of University of Alberta.
For information about the program of the workshop and directions to the university facilities, please contact Dr. Carlos Cruz-Noguez at
October 18, 2013
Dr. Cruz-Noguez received the “ACI Young Practicing Engineer Award” from the American Concrete Institute, for his work on Innovative Structural Concrete Projects — Design and/or Construction, in Phoenix, AZ.