Cruz, C. and Saiidi, M. (2013), “Performance of Innovative Materials in a 4-Span Bridge Model subjected to Seismic Excitation”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 1 (available online ahead of print).
Cruz, C. and Saiidi, M. (2012), “Shake Table Studies of a 4-Span Bridge Model with Advanced Materials”, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 138 No. 183, pp. 101-116.
Saiidi, M., Cruz, C. and Hillis, D. (2010), “Multi-shake table seismic studies of a 33-meter concrete bridge with high-performance materials”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 8. No. 1, pp. 13-18.
Cruz, C. A., Murià-Vila, D. and Camargo, J. (2007), “A Method to Calculate the Dynamic Stiffness and Damping of Friction Pile Groups”, (In Spanish) Revista de Ingeniería Sísmica, No. 77, pp. 23-51.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T., Sherwood, E., Lombard, J. and Hiotakis, S. (2014), “Seismic Performance of RC Shear Walls with Externally-Bonded FRP Sheets, Part I: Experimental Studies”, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction (accepted).
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T. and Sherwood, E. (2014), “Seismic Performance of RC Shear Walls with Externally-Bonded FRP Sheets, Part II: Analytical Model”, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction (accepted)
Book Chapters
Saiid M. Saiidi, Ashkan Vosooghi, Carlos Cruz-Noguez, Sarira Motaref, Chadi Ayoub, Fatemeh Kavianipour, and Melissa O’Brien (2014), “Earthquake-Resistant Bridges of the Future with Advanced Materials, in: Performance-Based Seismic Engineering: Vision for an Earthquake Resilient Society. Book Series: Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 32, pp 63-76.
Keynote papers
Lau, D. T. and Cruz, C. (2013), “Developments on Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls with FRP”, 5th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering. November 8-9, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
Saiidi, M., Vosooghi, Zaghi A., Motaref, S., and C. Cruz, (2011), “Innovative earthquake-resistant bridges”, Keynote paper, Innovations on Bridges and Soil-Bridge Interaction Conference, October 13-15, 2011, Athens, Greece.
Saiidi, M., C. Cruz, and Hillis, D. (2009), “High-Performance Materials in Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges,” Keynote Address, Fifth International Structural engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-5), Las Vegas, Nevada, September.
Conference Proceedings & Oral Presentations
Cruz-Noguez, C., Hassan, A., Lau, D. T., Woods, J. and Shaheen, I. “Seismic Retrofit of Deficient RC Shear Walls with FRP Tow Sheets”, 10th US Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, Alaska.
Woods, J., Cruz-Noguez C., Lau, D. T. (2014), “Anchor System Optimization in Shear Walls Flexurally-Reinforced with Externally Bonded Carbon Fibre (FRP) Tow Sheets”, 10th US Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, Alaska.
Murià-Vila D., Huerta C., Sánchez-Ramírez A., Camargo J., Cruz-Noguez, C., (2014) “Seismic monitoring on a curved portion of an elevated railroad”, 10th US Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, Alaska.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T. and Sherwood, E. (2012), “Testing and Anchor System Performance of RC Shear Walls Repaired and Strengthened with Externally-Bonded FRP Sheets.”, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 24-28.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T. and Sherwood, E. (2012), “Analytical Modeling of FRP-Reinforced Shear Walls Including Intermediate Crack Debonding.”, 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 24-28.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T. and Sherwood, E. (2012), “Seismic performance of RC walls with externally-bonded FRP sheets: Experimental and Analytical Studies”, Canadian Seismic Research Network Conference, Montreal, September 15.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T., Sherwood, E., Lombard, J., Hiotakis, S. and Foo, S. (2012), “Repair and strengthening of RC shear walls using externally-bonded FRP sheets.”, 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, ACMBS-VI, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 22-25, 2012.
Cruz, C., Lau, D. T. and Sherwood, E. (2012), “Analytical modeling of reinforced concrete shear walls with externally-bonded CFRP reinforcement.”, 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, ACMBS-VI, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, May 22-25, 2012.
Saiidi, M., S. Motaref, C. Cruz, M. O’Brien, and H. Wang, (2010), “Seismic Response of Bridge Columns with Engineered Cementitious Composites,” ACI Fall 2010 Convention, Session Titled: “High-Performance Concrete for Seismic Design of Bridges?” Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October.
Saiidi, M., F. Kavianipour, C. Cruz, D. Hillis, and R. Nelson (2010), “Shake Table Response of Four-Span Bridges with Advanced Materials,” Quake Summit 2010, NEES and PEER Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, October.
Cruz, C., and M. Saiidi. (2010), “Simulated Response of Bridges with Advanced Materials under Near-Fault Earthquakes,” 3rd World Science and Engineering Academy and Society International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, and Engineering Geology, Korfu, Greece, July.
Cruz, C., Saiidi, M. and Hillis, D. (2010), “Analytical Study of a 4-Span Bridge with Advanced Materials,” 4th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2010) “Robust Design – Coping with Hazards, Risk and Uncertainty”, Singapore, March 3-5.
Saiidi, M., and C. Cruz, (2009), “Damage-Free RC Bridges under Seismic Loads,” ACI Annual Conference, Session Titled: “How Do You Spice Up A Concrete Bridge to be Earthquake Resistant?” New Orleans, Louisiana, November.
Cruz, C., and M. Saiidi. (2008), “Design of Bridge Systems with Conventional and Innovative Components”, Poster, NSF CMMI Research and Innovation Conference, Hawaii, USA, June 22.
Cruz, C., Saiidi, M., and Hillis, D. (2009), “Pretest Seismic Analysis of a 4-Span Bridge Model with Advanced Materials,” Proceedings, First International Conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (CTCS ’09), Session W4A, Jeju, S. Korea, May 24-27.
Murià-Vila, D., Cruz, C. A. and Camargo, J. (2008), “Implementation of a Method for Computing the Dynamic Stiffnesses of Floating Pile Groups,” Poster, XIV World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17.
Cruz, C. A., Camargo, J., Murià-Vila, D. and Aldama, B. D. (2006), “A Method to Calculate the Stiffness and Damping Associated to the Soil-Structure Interaction Effects in Buildings Supported on Friction Piles,” (In Spanish) XV Mexican National Congress of Structural Engineering, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, November 1-4.
Published technical & engineering reports
Cruz, C. A. and Saiidi, M. (2010). “Experimental and Analytical Seismic Studies of a Four-Span Bridge System with Innovative Materials” Technical Rep. No. CCEER-10-04, Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV.
Cruz C. A., Murià-Vila D. and Camargo J. (2007), “Implementation of a Parametric Modal Estimate Computer Program based on MIMO,” (In Spanish) Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, Project 6660.
Murià-Vila, D., Rodríguez, G., Camargo, J. and Cruz, C. A. (2007), “Ambient Vibration Tests Conducted on Centro Cultural Universitario Tlaltelolco,” (In Spanish) Preliminary Report, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, Project 6529.
Murià-Vila, D., Rodríguez, G., Camargo, J., Mendoza, M. A., Aldama, B. D., Loera, S., Ávila, J. A., Meli, R. and Cruz, C. A. (2007), “Instrumentation of Centro Cultural Universitario Tlaltelolco,” (In Spanish) Preliminary Report, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, Project 6529.
Cruz, C. A., Camargo, J., Murià-Vila, D. and Aldama, B. D. (2006), “PILGP: A Computer Program to Assess Impedance Functions in Friction Pile Groups,” (In Spanish) Report, Institute of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico, Project 6702.